How to Self-Study for an ACCA Exam—Checkout these Quick Tips:

One of the top professional accounting organizations in the world is the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and Mirchawala’s Hub Of Accountancy excels in this field.

It is only accessible to working accountants who want to advance their careers.
You must obtain a practical experience evaluation and confirm that you meet the qualification requirements in order to study ACCA independently. It may seem intimidating to complete the ACCA self-study program in its entirety. But we’ve gone through the trouble of compressing and streamlining the entire procedure.

In this blog, we will share some amazing tips on how to do self-study for the ACCA and pass the exam on your first attempt.

Tips For “How to Self-Study for an ACCA Exam”

  • Invest in Quality Study Resources

Having study material selected and endorsed by top ACCAs is absolutely necessary if you intend to study independently for your ACCA exams. You can check out ACCA books from Kaplan Publications, BPP Learning Media Publications, Get Through Guides for ACCA, etc. to make sure you have the proper study materials with you. These are some of the most reputable ACCA study guides that are preferred by many students who are prepared all over the world. Read our blog post, Best Books for ACCA: Which Books Should You Refer to for additional information about these books.

  • Schedule Your Study Routine

Making sure you have a good schedule for exam preparation is vital, whether you are a working professional or a student studying ACCA after graduation. Make sure your study schedule is well balanced with reading, practice, and exams. You can also view educational videos made by specialists who break down some concepts that are challenging to understand. However, be certain that the resources you select for ACCA advice have been endorsed by ACCA affiliates.

  • Regular Tests and Practice Sessions

Be sure to have a question bank available as you study for the ACCA exams. The only way to identify your errors and improve is through practice. You can collaborate with a friend who is also seeking an ACCA degree while you are practicing and assist one another with your combined expertise. Becker Professional Education Approved Question Bank is the best book you can utilize for your study sessions.

  • Make Running Summaries and Note

Try creating one-page summaries or running notes of items that you believe are significant or that you would easily forget, rather than spending hours curating lengthy notes. You can quickly and effectively review the key elements with the help of these recaps when you are studying for your tests. If you’re taking an online coaching session, try taking notes on any tips that stand out as crucial during the lesson. Instead of merely depending on your text and spending hours on one subject, these tips will help you revise topics successfully.

  • Network With ACCA Affiliates

Sharing information with other ACCA candidates might inspire you and help you study more methodically, but you still need an expert to point you in the right direction. It is therefore advisable to join organizations or go to gatherings where you may interact with and network with ACCA affiliates. Recognize their methods of learning and emulate what was successful for them. Sort through these suggestions and choose the ones you are confident will be most effective for you.

  • Join Study Groups

Motivation is the major problem with self-studying. You could occasionally have a lack of focus and apprehension about your study materials and methods when you are working alone. Since you may virtually ask fellow ACCA students questions and receive assistance from them, it is advisable to join online ACCA communities.

Final Words on How to do Self-Study ACCA

From my personal ACCA self-study experience, the aforementioned are some of the finest advice I can provide you. Of course, after you get started studying, you’ll pick up a few additional tricks through trial and error!

And as time passes, your research will inevitably become more focused and optimized. The idea is to make sure that you plan efficiently and realistically, and if you find that your plan is simply not working for you, evaluate it and recalibrate it. Mirchawala’s Hub of Accountancy can help you begin your self-study ACCA journey and grow in it. 

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