
About Financial Modeling

Financial Modeling is the process of creating a summary of a company’s revenue and expenses in the form of a spreadsheet/Excel that can be used to calculate the impact of a future event or decision. It’s a professional course used for financial forecasting and decision making.
A financial model has many uses for company executives. Financial analysts often use it to analyze and anticipate how a company’s stock performance might be affected by future events or executive decisions.

Read FAQs for further details


About AAA

Advanced Audit and Assurance is one of the optional exams of ACCA aimed to develop Auditing and Assurance skills in a student required in practical life. This exam includes a mix of technical marks and professional skill marks which equip a student with relevant career skills. AAA exam elevates your audit and assurance expertise to tackle complex engagements in real life.

Read FAQ’s for further details



Financial Modeling is a numerical representation of some or all aspects of a company’s operations.

Financial models are used to estimate the valuation of a business or to compare companies to their industry competitors.

Various models exist that may produce different results. A model is only as good as the inputs and assumptions that go into it.



Certificate by MHA
Freelancing Contracts can be taken
Increase in Employability
Interactive excel dashboards will be made
The ability of decision Making
Investment Analysis Skills
Statistical Analysis Skills


Select Lecture Language
Course Orientation
by Owais Mirchawala
Course Orientation
by Owais Mirchawala



Certificate by MHA
Freelancing Contracts can be taken
Increase in Employability
Interactive excel dashboards will be made
The ability of decision Making
Investment Analysis Skills
Statistical Analysis Skills


Select Lecture Language
Course Orientation
by Owais Mirchawala
Course Orientation
by Owais Mirchawala


Stay ahead in the Exams with Mirchawala's specialized LMS.

Our Specialised LMS provides student with the course in well structured manner which ensure effective and efficient study. Customized Testing system in our LMS helps a student to have actual exam experience while attempting homeworks and Mock Exams.

To discover further key features of our LMS, including Access to recorded lectures library, specialized testing system, access to course attachments and comprehensive progress reports, watch our tutorial video.


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lectures library



Supports Windows,
iiOS, android

Stay ahead in the world of finance with Mirchawala's innovative LMS.
Welcome to Mirchawala’s cutting-edge Learning Management System (LMS), the heartbeat of your accountancy journey! Our LMS is a dynamic platform tailored for seamless learning, offering real-time progress tracking, interactive modules, and collaborative study tools.

To discover the key features of our LMS, including personalized study plans, live webinars, resource libraries, discussion forums, and comprehensive progress reports!”

study plans

Recorded Lectures



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Course Outline
Audit Planning
Course Outline
Audit Planning

Course Outline

Frequently Asked Questions

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This Course is currently only available in Urdu Language

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Please select the Language
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This Course is currently only available in Urdu Language

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Select Lecture Language
About Mirchawala
by Mustafa Mirchawala
About Mirchawala
by Mustafa Mirchawala
Select Lecture Language
About Mirchawala
by Mustafa Mirchawala
About Mirchawala
by Mustafa Mirchawala

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in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

This Course is currently only available in English Language

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NOTE: If you want to enroll online, Please Click Here