ACCA Exams at Home: Process, Criteria, and the Best Tips

The days of traditional classroom education are over now. Thanks to the advancement of online education, aspiring ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) professionals are able to study at their own pace and convenience from the comfort of their homes. Taking this progress to the next level, ACCA has now allowed students to appear fro the exam at home with remote invigilation.

There are certain rules and criteria that students need to follow for a smooth experience. This blog will look at practical advice and methods to help you throughout your online ACCA exam, from booking to finally taking the exam. These tips will significantly simplify the process for you. So stay tuned!

 ACCA Exams at Home: Remote Invigilation

On March 20, 2021, ACCA announced that the exams will now take place via remote invigilation (RI) or online.

This news greatly relieved ACCA students because it confirmed that exams will take place as scheduled and there won’t be any last-minute cancellations. Thus, if you are eager and able to take an exam, there is no reason to put off your studies. Despite the difficult circumstances, the opportunity to concentrate and grow towards your qualification is excellent, especially with fewer obligations and the option of remote invigilation. 

The best part is that you can continue your professional journey using the newest technology, no matter where you are—at home, at work, or even in an exam center, if that’s allowed.

The Process of ACCA Exams at Home 

First, you book your exam in the available time slot. You prepare for the same and appear in the exam in your selected slow. A real person will supervise the exam remotely, with assistance from biometrics, artificial intelligence, and recording for future analysis. This ensures that the exam’s integrity and other security precautions meet the requirements set by ACCA and the British Council.

 The Key Requirements 

You will need a calm area free from distractions like loud conversations, music, and street noise, just like in any exam environment. Your exam setting needs to include the following since invigilation will take place via webcam:

  • Make sure you and your desk setup are visible so the invigilator can see you clearly.
  • Be fully private, with no one else in the space, and visible through glass panels or windows.
  • Stay in a place with a lockable door.
  • Your desk should be clutter-free with one monitor, keyboard, mouse, calculator, and a water bottle.
  • To ensure a stress-free experience, check your computer before your exam to see if it is working fine.

In addition to double-checking that you have followed all the previously mentioned processes, practice taking an exam using the Computer Based Exam (CBE) program or an online ACCA learning portal like Mirchawala LMS. Practice this under exam settings as much as you can; try to imitate the actual exam as much as you can. As a result, nothing will surprise you on exam day, and you may concentrate entirely on providing accurate answers to the questions.

On the Exam Day  

Keep these tips in mind – 

  • Up to 30 minutes before the exam period, you can start the exam on the ACCA website.
  • The invigilator will give you instructions on how to help with a visual check of your room, which could take up to fifteen minutes to finish.
  • You will not be permitted to start your exam fifteen minutes beyond the specified time, just like with in-person exams. Setting aside time for setup checks prior to the exam’s commencement date is crucial.
  • Throughout the exam, you are permitted a five-minute bathroom break.
  • During the exam, wearable technology of any kind, including smartwatches, is not permitted. You are permitted to hang photos and a clock on the wall, but the invigilator must provide their permission. indicating that you might be asked to take them off.)
  •  During the exam, speaking out loud is not allowed.
  • You can get assistance from the invigilator in case of any technical difficulties throughout the exam.
  • As with any exam, regardless of eligibility or format, preparation is especially crucial.

Exams for ACCA were successfully taken by remote invigilation in September and December of 2020. Additionally, it was found that the exam results were similar to those of earlier sessions in which the students took a center seat. It might even help you focus all of your efforts on performing well on the test if you take it in the familiar and comfortable surroundings of your home or place of business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How do I book for an ACCA exam at home?

Ans: If online ACCA exams are offered in your location, you can use ACAA’s Exam Planner to schedule your exam.

Q2: What are the exam costs for exams conducted remotely?

Ans: Online ACCA exams are subject to the same standard fees as tests conducted in person. To learn all about the requirements for scheduling exams, go to the ACCA’s How to Book webpage.

Q3: Can I select the time slot for my exam?

Ans: Depending on your location, you will be able to choose your preferred start time within a timeslot window (subject to availability). The timeslot window will show up as TIME 1, TIME 2, TIME 3, etc.

Q4: What should I do if I need more assistance?

Ans: Before the regular exam entry date, you should use your myACCA account to seek any extra support you may need for the exam.

 Q5: Why can’t I take the ACCA exam online where I live?

Ans: To support students, ACCA offers ACCA exams at home in places where it is suitable for the team to do so. Many criteria are considered when determining whether a location is appropriate for a remote exam.

So, here we are. Hopefully, you have found this post helpful and interesting. If you are looking to start your ACCA learning journey, contact us. Our dedicated team will support you throughout the process on how to get started with ACCA. If you have any question, feel free to ask. 

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