
Moghirah Farooqui


Part 1 of the CIA exam, “Essentials of Internal Auditing,” covers foundational concepts essential for internal auditors. This includes the role of internal auditing in governance, risk management, and control, along with adherence to the Code of Ethics and Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. Additionally, it delves into risk assessment methodologies, understanding internal control frameworks, principles of fraud risk management, and basics of internal audit engagement planning, including scope and objectives.

In Part 2, titled the “Practice of Internal Auditing,” candidates focus on the practical application of internal auditing principles. This includes conducting internal audit engagements from planning to execution and reporting, using sampling methodologies for gathering audit evidence, assessing risks and controls across various business processes, and applying data analytics and technology in audit processes. Candidates also learn about communication of audit findings, internal audit reporting standards, and quality assurance and improvement programs.

Part 3 of the CIA exam, known as “Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing,” provides candidates with a broader understanding of the business environment. This covers business processes’ impact on organizational performance, financial management concepts like budgeting and financial analysis, organizational governance structures, regulatory requirements, compliance issues, strategic management principles, organizational behavior, and emerging trends in the business environment. Mastery of these topics enhances candidates’ ability to operate effectively within organizations and adapt to evolving business landscapes.


About the Faculty

Shah Muhammad Moghirah Farooqui is ACCA MEMBER & faculty at Mirchawala’s Hub Of Accountancy with a significant academic knowledge and experience of Internal Audit, Internal Control and Risk Management, His practical knowledge of Audit helps his audience to understand the technical concepts of Internal audit in a simple manner. Mr Moghirah has exposure to different financial institutions including Meezan Bank and Bank islami Pakistan. He brings with himself over 7 years of teaching experience.

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