
Ahmed Shafi


 The ACCA MA (Management Accounting) paper educates candidates with the knowledge and skills needed for effective decision-making within organizations. It aims to increase knowledge and understanding of management accounting approaches and support management in organizing, directing, and tracking the performance of their company. The ACCA MA paper introduces the nature, source, and goal of management information then the statistical methods for data analysis are covered. The next section of the syllabus covers cost accounting, which is crucial for every management accountant to understand, and business costing strategies. The curriculum then examines how to create and utilize a budget, standard costing, and variance analysis as essential tools for organizing and managing corporate operations. The syllabus concludes with Tracking and assessing organizational performance.

6 Position Holders in FMA/ MA taught by Ahmed Shafi

Ahmed Shafi’s teaching philosophy sparks academic excellence, propelling students to remarkable success in FMA/MA examinations. Through a distinctive blend of inspiration and mentorship, he cultivates a journey towards achievement, positioning his students as leaders in academic distinction. With unwavering dedication and visionary guidance, Ahmed empowers students to surpass conventional boundaries, fostering a culture of scholarly accomplishment and personal growth.

The ACCA PM (Performance Management) provides the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage the performance of an organization. The paper builds on the knowledge acquired in management accounting and checks candidates’ ability to manage the performance of a business. The ACCA PM paper prepares learners for more specialist abilities, covered in Advanced Performance Management. Its syllabus starts with focusing on the information needs, technologies, and systems required within an organization to manage and measure performance. Finally, it includes performance management and control, which is a major part of the syllabus.

13 Position Holders in PM/ F5 taught by Ahmed Shafi

Ahmed Shafi’s teaching philosophy sparks academic excellence, propelling students to remarkable success in PM/ F5 examinations. Through a distinctive blend of inspiration and mentorship, he cultivates a journey towards achievement, positioning his students as leaders in academic distinction. With unwavering dedication and visionary guidance, Ahmed empowers students to surpass conventional boundaries, fostering a culture of scholarly accomplishment and personal growth.

The ACCA F8 (Audit and Assurance) course provides the skills and knowledge required to perform audit engagements. The primary goal of the ACCA F8 is to make sure that qualified candidates understand the principles of an audit by emphasizing the practical. The ACCA AA Syllabus covers the nature, goal, and scope of assurance engagement. It further includes statutory audits and their regulatory framework, along with the governance and professional ethics of audit and assurance. Finally, the ACCA F8 paper concludes with the scope and purpose of an internal audit, audit evidence, an assessment of internal controls, and a review of the financial statements. 

14 Position Holders in AA/ F8 taught by Ahmed Shafi

Ahmed Shafi’s teaching philosophy sparks academic excellence, propelling students to remarkable success in AA/ F8 examinations. Through a distinctive blend of inspiration and mentorship, he cultivates a journey towards achievement, positioning his students as leaders in academic distinction. With unwavering dedication and visionary guidance, Ahmed empowers students to surpass conventional boundaries, fostering a culture of scholarly accomplishment and personal growth.

ACCA F9 (Financial Management) provides learners with the knowledge and skills required to manage the financial part of an organization efficiently. The paper aims to provide readers with all the abilities expected of a finance manager related to investment, financing, and individual policy decisions. The syllabus first educates learners about the role and purpose of the financial management function within an organization. Then it focuses on the economic environment and the key decisions in investing, financing, and dividend policy. In the next section, the paper talks about investing decisions, different sources of business finance, and more. 

20 Position Holders in FM/ F9 taught by Ahmed Shafi

Ahmed Shafi’s teaching philosophy sparks academic excellence, propelling students to remarkable success in FM/ F9 examinations. Through a distinctive blend of inspiration and mentorship, he cultivates a journey towards achievement, positioning his students as leaders in academic distinction. With unwavering dedication and visionary guidance, Ahmed empowers students to surpass conventional boundaries, fostering a culture of scholarly accomplishment and personal growth.

The AFM (Advanced Financial Management) educates candidates on all aspects of advanced financial management, including basic accounting standards and related topics. It aims to help learners get the knowledge and skills needed to deal with finance-related issues in a tough business environment. The paper primarily covers financial strategy, mergers and acquisitions, Treasury, and advanced risk management tactics. The ACCA AFM paper prepares conclusions to assess and interpret data and form strong strategies through theoretical structure and practical experience. 

17 Position Holders in AFM/ P4 taught by Ahmed Shafi

Ahmed Shafi’s teaching philosophy sparks academic excellence, propelling students to remarkable success in FMA/MA examinations. Through a distinctive blend of inspiration and mentorship, he cultivates a journey towards achievement, positioning his students as leaders in academic distinction. With unwavering dedication and visionary guidance, Ahmed empowers students to surpass conventional boundaries, fostering a culture of scholarly accomplishment and personal growth.


About the Faculty

One of the best ACCA tutor with a global reputation, Ahmed Shafi, is well-known for his excellent teaching and experience. He has taught thousands of students the FMA and MA exams and supported them in qualifying for their exams. Mr. Shafi brings a unique technical approach that helps learners easily understand even complex topics. In his previous stint, he was positioned as a lecturer at the PWC’s Academy in the Middle East. At present, Mr. Shafi is leading Mirchawala’s Hub of Accountancy in the key position of Director and leading the institute on a growing path.


15 years
of experience

41 Nationwide Positions
by his students

4 Nationwide Positions
in recent attempt

Corporate Experience
of big 4 & MNC

Selected multiple times for
ACCA's official webinars


Positions Holders By Student Of Ahmed Shafi

Position Holders

Teaching Approach & Philosophy

Teaching Approach & Philosphy







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