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Meet & Greet of Mirchawala’s ACCA Faculty at PC Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan

November 18, 2023 - November 19, 2023

Calling all our ACCA online students and alumni! Join us in Lahore this weekend Saturday and Sunday on November 18th and 19th at PC Hotel-Nadia coffee shop LHR for a memorable Meet and Greet event. It’s your chance to meet your mentors Ahmed Shafi, Mustafa Mirchawala & Owais Mirchawala in person and connect with our thriving community.

Secure your spot by contacting us at:
See you there! 🤝🌟☕️

#LahoreMeetAndGreet #ConnectingMentors #accastudents #acca #mirchawala

November 18, 2023 - November 19, 2023
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Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

This Course is currently only available in Urdu Language

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Please select the language?

Please select the Attempt?

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Please select the language?

Please select the Attempt?

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Please select the language?

Please select the Attempt?

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Please select the Attempt?

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Please select the language?

Please select the Attempt?

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Please select the language?

Please select the Attempt?

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Please select the language?

Please select the Attempt?

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Please select the language?

Please select the Attempt?

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Please select the language?

Select Lecture Language
About Mirchawala
by Mustafa Mirchawala
About Mirchawala
by Mustafa Mirchawala
Select Lecture Language
About Mirchawala
by Mustafa Mirchawala
About Mirchawala
by Mustafa Mirchawala

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

This Course is currently only available in English Language

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in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

This Course is currently only available in Urdu Language

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

This Course is currently only available in Urdu Language

Please select the Language
in which you want to take the Lectures ?

Let us contact you, kindly fill this form.

NOTE: If you want to enrol online, Please Click Here