Keeping a job with studies is a difficult task but still many companies and countries in the world encourage students to do jobs with their studies. Why? Because part-time jobs can pay students so well in the long term, not only in terms of money but also in learning and experience. They can open a world of new opportunities for themselves. Let’s read the type of Part-time Jobs and ACCA Studies and see the benefits of part-time jobs.
What does a part-time job mean?
A part-time job is a type of employment that consumes less than 30 hours per week. Part-time work often comes in shifts and work is organized in such a way that professionals and students can manage their personal lives and studies.
Part-time jobs that complement your ACCA studies
There are plenty of job sectors that offer jobs in the finance domain to the students.
Audit intern
Students can get hands-on experience in both external and internal audits by working as part-time audit interns. In this role, the employer will examine financial records, collect data, and summarize findings under the guidance of a senior assistant. This role is suitable for ACCA students as Auditing is a major part of the ACCA qualification.
Accounts Payable
This role is focused on transactional accounting and managing finances This role involves task accounts receivable, accounts payable, and reconciliation. By handling the inflow and outflow of the money ACCA students can develop practical skills in managing company finances and delays and errors in payments.
Tax Assistant
This is the best part-time opportunity for ACCA students. This job role might include responsibilities such as filing tax returns, tax compliance, and filing tax returns. This role provides enough exposure to taxation, the core subject of ACCA studies.
Junior Accountant
A Junior account plays a very valuable role in managing the financial matters of business. As a part-time junior assistant, students do tasks like financial data entry, reconciliation, and bookkeeping.
Financial analyst support
One of the Part-time jobs in finance is financial analysts develop the decision-making and analytical skills of the students. As a part-time role of junior financial analyst key tasks comprise financial modeling, data analysis, and market research.
Benefits of part-time jobs
Part-time jobs give huge benefits to employees. The scope of the job may vary surely, part-time work is beneficial for students. Let’s see what benefits it gives.
Firm your productivity
Part-time jobs give solid productivity while having financial gains. Students are using their time in meaningful jobs rather than wasting it on other useless activities. In addition to that, part-time ACCA accountant jobs make students punctual and disciplined.
Flexibility and convenience
One of the attractions of part-time jobs is their flexibility and comfort. Students and individuals with personal responsibilities( families and personal responsibilities) can easily manage these jobs. Scheduling a part-time job is often rotational and gives huge favor to students. They can work in shifts and on different schedules.
Skill development
One more benefit of a job in finance is skill development. It will make students confident enough in themselves for actual full-time employment. Moreover, it will improve finances and communication is developed on a professional level.
Factors to look upon before joining part-time jobs
Here are certain factors to keep in mind before starting a ACCA accountant jobs
- Checking the location too far from your place consumes more time.
- Prefer remote jobs over physical jobs.
- Join jobs that offer great work ethics without over-pressurizing for work.
- Look hours before the jobs and see hours do not exceed more than 30 hours.
Part-time jobs should be joined by every student who wants to upskill and improve their communication skills. Moreover, it will have a great future impact on your resume when you go for full-time employment. Combinedly factors such as locality, job role, and the intent of the job to get an easy start with your part-time job. Keeping in mind all the factors it is easy to manage part-time jobs and ACCA studies.
Do part-time jobs need a resume and CV?
Yes, a very excellent CV is not needed but, a CV reflecting your long-term goals and highlighting your interpersonal skills like communication is enough to get the part-time role.
How do I get a part-time job?
Many websites like LinkedIn, indeed list many part-time jobs for students. You can also get a part-time job with networking and referral by a senior or some known mentor.
What factors are needed to look for a part-time job?
See your location and match the job timings with your daily routine and look upon the hours of job.
Is it difficult to get a part-time job?
No, it is not difficult to get a part-time job continuously and, seek referrals if you can to get the job.
Do ACCA accountant jobs affect my studies?
No, it completely depends on how you manage your schedule and align your priorities with your job.
Are part-time jobs preferable?
Yes, part-time jobs are preferable for students and working professionals to get experience in job domains.