How to Prepare for ACCA CBE Exams in Zimbabwe

How to Prepare for ACCA CBE Exams in Zimbabwe


To ace ACCA CBE exams (computer-based exams), candidates require a good understanding of the exam format, the content of exams, and familiarity with CBE software. ACCA CBE exams are the same for Zimbabwean students as well as others all around the world. To know more about ACCA CBE exams and effective preparation tips, read the blog ahead.  


The ACCA CBE exams are not like the traditional paper-based exams; rather, the exam format of these exams might differ from the traditional formats. The CBE exam format is explained below:

  • As the name computer-based exams suggest, these exams are completely conducted on a computer. So to complete these exams properly, students need to have familiarity with the CBE interface. 
  • Usually the ACCA CBE exams are either completely objective-based or, in some cases, a mix of objective (multiple-choice questions) and written answers.  
  • Some exams, like the Strategic Professional level, might include integrated case studies. These case studies require the student to put their academic knowledge in real-life scenarios to generate a solution. 


  • Applied Skills level: Financial Management, Management Accounting, etc. 
  • Applied knowledge level: Corporate and business law, performance management, taxation, financial reporting, audit and assurance, etc. 
  • Strategic Professional level: Strategic Business Leadership, Strategic Business Reporting.


Now, to start the preparation for ACCA CBE Exams, students can get themselves enrolled in a good ACCA-approved institute. There are numerous online as well as on-site ACCA learning providers in Zimbabwe; the best example of ACCA online course providers is

Other than that, ACCA CBE exams are, however, available throughout the year, but the candidate needs to select the ACCA CBE exams window that suits their schedule. 


To prepare for ACCA CBE exams, it is important to prepare yourself with the help of reliable study materials. Before buying any study material, make sure the resource you are using is trustworthy. Study materials are quite helpful for exam preparation. Apart from that, you should cover the syllabus accurately and not leave out any topic, as the exam can include any topic.

To make sure none of the issues is left, make an effective study plan. Break down your syllabus into small, manageable chunks; this way you will be able to self-analyze where you are lacking, and also all the topics will be covered. 


ACCA also provides a platform for practicing and familiarizing students with CBE exams. Through this platform, students can get an idea of ACCA CBE exams; it enables them to navigate questions, familiarize them with multiple-choice questions, and educate them about calculators and spreadsheet features. With the help of this platform, students get comfortable with the format and usage of the CBE platform and can prevent mistakes during exams. 

There is also a facility for mock exams; students can practice from past papers on the CBE platform. This practice not only makes them comfortable with the platform but also gives them an idea about the content included in exams, paper patterns, etc. By attempting mock exams on these platforms, students can also calculate time and allocate it accordingly to each part for time management during exams. Mirchawala's Hub of Accountancy CALL TO ACTION


It is crucial to have good time management skills in these exams, as usually these papers are time-sensitive, so students need to know how much time they should allocate to each question. To manage time efficiently, students can allocate time to each question depending on the weightage of the marks. For example, objective questions (multiple-choice questions) usually carry fewer marks than detailed (scenario-based, case studies) questions; hence, students should allocate more time to detailed questions. 


To achieve success in ACCA CBE exams, students should be highly attentive during exams. Students can use exam techniques like reading questions carefully, especially detailed questions or case studies, efficient time management, and reviewing and double-checking their answers to avoid any minor mistakes.  


For subjects like corporate law and taxation, it is crucial to stay updated with any changes made in regulations, financial standards, etc. It is also important to keep an eye on global trends and their effect on business and financial sectors so that you can answer any question regarding international business practices, global trends, etc.  


There are numerous study groups of ACCA, both local as well as international. Students can join these forums to network amongst their fellow ACCA members, seniors, employers, etc. These study forums are fruitful for students preparing for ACCA CBE exams as they can get all the updates regarding new industry trends, regulations, and financial standards through these forums. Students can also find solutions to their queries through these study groups. It also helps students to stay motivated and determined towards their studies.  


Students usually tend to overburden themselves while preparing themselves for exams. It is crucial to stay calm and composed during ACCA CBE exams, as unnecessary stress and burden can lead to decreased productivity. Give your mind and body enough time to relax so when you finally start studying, you are being productive.  


ACCA CBE exams are a bit different than traditional paper-based exams, as CBE exams are completely conducted through a CBE platform. To achieve success in ACCA CBE exams, students need to understand the structure of CBE exams; after knowing the structure, students can enroll themselves in a reliable ACCA learning provider. Students can also attempt mock exams on CBE platforms to familiarize themselves with the pattern. Other techniques crucial for achieving success in these exams are efficient time management, revision and rechecking of the answer sheet, and thoroughly reading the questions. Students are also advised to join study groups and online forums of ACCA to stay updated with any changes made in regulations, financial standards, etc.

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