How much is ACCA annual subscription fee and cost in Zimbabwe?

How much is ACCA annual subscription fee and cost in Zimbabwe?


ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is a prestigious accounting qualification acknowledged and regarded worldwide. This qualification is considered one of the most competitive and highly rewarded qualifications in the accounting sector, as it opens the door to numerous career opportunities and professional development. There are various costs attached to gaining and maintaining this qualification, one of which is the ACCA annual subscription fee. 

ACCA Annual subscription fee is charged to ACCA members as well as ACCA aspirants every year. By paying these yearly charges ACCA members are able to maintain their membership and enjoy numerous perks. To know more about the annual ACCA Zimbabwe fees and other costs associated with the qualification read the blog ahead.


Other than the registration fee, exam fee, and other qualification-related ACCA Zimbabwe fees, affiliates of ACCA also need to pay the ACCA annual subscription fee. This fee is mandatory for not only ACCA students but also ACCA members. Qualified Professionals also must pay these annual charges to maintain their professional status or membership with the official body of ACCA. This fee is charged to manage the operational costs and expenses of the association, members and affiliates get numerous perks from this membership or subscription including networking opportunities, CPD, etc. 


The ACCA annual subscription fee is categorized into two structures one for the ACCA members, and the other one for ACCA affiliates or students. ACCA membership fee structure is for those who have become a fully-qualified ACCA-approved member, their fee is generally higher than those of affiliates. On the other hand, the subscription fee structure of students and affiliates (individuals who are in the process of availing of membership) might be a bit lower than the members. However, both need to pay this fee every year to enjoy the perks given by the ACCA body and continue their status associated with the ACCA. 


The ACCA annual subscription fee remains the same all around the world however, factors like exchange rates, currency, and local factors highly contribute to fluctuation and changes in these rates. Nevertheless, the general overview of the fee structure of 2025 so far is as follows:

  • ACCA member subscription fees:

This fee applies to fully qualified ACCA members, those who have completed their qualifications, work experience, and application process. The fee structure of membership annual subscription fee for 2025 is around £311. Changes in this fee structure can occur depending on the time of payment (late payments, discounts, etc). 

  • ACCA affiliate subscription fee:

ACCA affiliate subscription fee is either applicable for students or affiliates (those who have passed the exams but have not yet become members). The fee for 2025 for affiliate is around £156.Mirchawala's Hub of Accountancy CALL TO ACTION


The process of making payment of the ACCA annual subscription fee is quite easy, ACCA members and affiliates of Zimbabwe can pay the fee online through the website of ACCA’s Global. These payments are made by using various international payment methods including the use of credit/ debit cards (Visa, Mastermind, etc), Online payment platforms, etc.

Another important factor members and aspirants should keep in mind while paying the ACCA annual subscription fee is that this fee is mandatory, and if not paid on time, they will have to face consequences such as a late fee penalty and loss of professional status of membership, etc. However, ACCA gives a grace period to clear your dues, but members should pay beforehand and meet the deadlines to avoid any repercussions. 


It is extremely crucial to pay the ACCA annual subscription fee to avoid any repercussions such as losing the status of membership or ACCA affiliation. This will affect your professional profile as well as take away all the perks you were getting from the status. These perks include global networking opportunities with professionals, career support and growth services, professional development opportunities, webinars, seminars, etc. By missing these opportunities you also tend to miss on various career growth opportunities, job opportunities, advancement in skills and technologies, etc. 


ACCA annual subscription fee in Zimbabwe is charged the same as in other countries, it is originally billed in British pounds. However, the actual cost of this fee can be changed depending on the exchange rate between the British pound and the Zimbabwean dollar at the time of payment. Nevertheless, the annual subscription fee of 2025 is around £311 for the annual membership subscription fee and £156 for the affiliate annual subscription fee. Note that the ACCA annual subscription fee is mandatory for both ACCA members and affiliates, any delayed or unpaid fee can result in losing ACCA membership or status. By losing the status, individuals also lose perks and benefits given by ACCA such as networking opportunities, career opportunities, and professional growth opportunities, etc.


Q1: Can I pay the ACCA annual subscription fee online in Zimbabwe?

Answer: Yes, you can easily pay your ACCA annual subscription fee online in Zimbabwe through the official ACCA website. You can make your payment via international payment methods such as with a debit/ credit card ( for eg: Visa). 

Q2: When do I need to pay the ACCA subscription fee?

Answer: The ACCA subscription fee is paid annually, to avoid any late penalties students are advised to meet the deadline. The deadline for the annual subscription fee is typically set for January every year. 

Q3: What happens if I don’t pay my ACCA annual subscription fee on time?

Answer: In case you don’t pay your ACCA subscription fee on time, you will have to face certain consequences, such as a late fee penalty and losing the status of membership or affiliate.

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