Tag: ACCA Members

  • What is the difference between an ACCA Affiliate and a Member?

    What is the difference between an ACCA Affiliate and a Member?


    If you are an ACCA aspirant or enthusiast you might have come across terms like ACCA Affiliate or ACCA member. One thing that is common in both of these terms is that individuals belonging to either of them have to go through ACCA exams and training. However, certain key differences set them apart. Read the blog to know the benefits of each title, what they have to offer, what makes them different, and which one is better in terms of career progression or professional security. 


    An ACCA Affiliate is an individual who has completed their academic journey of ACCA (cleared all the required exams) and achieved the required work experience for ACCA qualification. But, the membership is still in process, hence, he won’t be considered a fully qualified ACCA member but an ACCA Affiliate. In easier words, an individual who completed all the requirements of ACCA Qualification and is in the process of waiting for ACCA membership approval is called an ACCA affiliate.

    ACCA affiliates however have all the required knowledge and practice about the qualification and they can work under numerous financial or accounting roles but they do not have all the rights or benefits an ACCA member carries. Following is a breakdown of steps you need to follow to become an ACCA affiliate:

    1. Achieve success in all the ACCA exams, which cover a wide range of financial and accounting topics. For achieving this step get admission at Mirchwala’s hub of Accountancy.
    2. Complete the relevant work experience in the accounting or financial sector for 36 months, and record your professional accomplishments.
    3. Now submit your record and application to the body of ACCA’s Global and wait for the approval of becoming an ACCA member.


    An ACCA Member is someone who has completed all the academic and practical requirements of ACCA qualification, including the relevant work experience and approval of membership application. ACCA members are considered fully qualified professionals in the finance and accounting sector. And they can enjoy all the perks or privileges that come along with the title of an ACCA member. The following are the key features of an ACCA member:

    1. An ACCA member has completed all the steps like completing exams, practical training, relevant work experience, submission of work record along with membership application, and approval of membership application. 
    2. Now, ACCA members can use the prestigious designation of ‘ACCA’ after their names, this is a big achievement in the accounting and financial world.
    3. ACCA members have numerous perks and rights such as voting in ACCA elections, get benefit from Continuous professional development (CPD), etc. 
    4. Fully-qualified ACCA member their worth increases in the professional world, which may lead to higher potential salary and better roles.

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    Both, an ACCA affiliate and an ACCA member have strong knowledge and technical skills acquired from the qualification and practice. But the status of their title sets them apart in the professional world. Following are all the key differences between an ACCA affiliate and a member:

    • Status:

    While ACCA affiliate are considered to be in a transitional phase, waiting for the membership approval. ACCA member is considered a fully-qualified, accredited and recognized professional in the industry.

    • Professional Title:

    An ACCA affiliate is not allowed to use ACCA designation as of now. On the other hand, an ACCA member can use the ‘ACCA’ designation after his name. 

    • Voting Rights:

    An ACCA affiliate can not vote in ACCA elections. Whereas, an ACCA member can participate in voting.

    • Career Prospects:

    Although an ACCA affiliate have all the skills and knowledge and can work under several professional roles but doesn’t career prospects as a member. ACCA members are likely to get paid higher and may be eligible for senior roles. 

    • Professional Benefits:

    An ACCA affiliate have limited access to the professional development resources. Whereas, ACCA members have full access to the Continuous professional development (CPD) as well as other networking opportunities.


    The achievement of becoming an ACCA member isn’t limited to getting the title or distinction of ‘ACCA’ after your name only. Rather it also brings numerous professional perks, one of which is that an ACCA-qualified member tends to have higher salary potential and career exposure than an ACCA affiliate.

    ACCA members also have a perk to stay updated with any changes in trends, regulations, or global accounting standards, this leads to professional development or career progression. Employers usually seek and prefer ACCA-qualified members over non-qualified accountants because of the fact that they are more likely to stay updated with current industry trends and changes. 


    The main difference between an ACCA affiliate and an ACCA member is that one is an approved member of ACCA while the other is not or yet to be. Both, an ACCA affiliate and a member have cleared the ACCA exams and acquired academic knowledge and practical skills, completed relevant work experience (36 months). An ACCA affiliate is someone waiting for the approval of a membership application or is in the process of it while an ACCA member is someone who submitted relevant work records and applications and got approval of membership from the ACCA’s Global.

    ACCA affiliates can work under various roles in the accounting and finance sector however, ACCA members are more likely to get high-paying jobs as compared to ACCA affiliates, and might as well get a senior position. Numerous other perks are enjoyed by ACCA members only, such as continuous professional development and networking opportunities, better job prospects, a distinction of ‘ACCA’, voting rights, etc. Nevertheless, ACCA membership takes you a step ahead in your career and is highly valued and appreciated by employers in the accounting and finance sector.

  • Steps to Take After Receiving Your ACCA Exam Results in Zimbabwe

    Steps to Take After Receiving Your ACCA Exam Results in Zimbabwe


    The ACCA qualification is considered a competitive and highly regarded qualification in accounting. As much as the qualification is hyped up, the students are as anxious and desperate for the result’s announcement. ACCA exam results are a great deal for desperate candidates and their tutors. Here are some of the steps ACCA students are advised to follow after ACCA Exam Results are announced:  


    After the announcement of ACCA exam results, the first thing any student is expected to do is check their results. Go through your results precisely, check if you cleared the respective exams, and celebrate your success. In case you had bad luck and could not clear the ACCA exams, then you should review your result in depth to analyze and identify the area that needs improvement. It is crucial to know where you are lacking in order to get better.  


    You can access your ACCA exam results in detail through the official website of ACCA; therefore, check your results thoroughly to identify the area of improvement and prepare an academic plan to progress in that specific area. Also, you may check about your retakes, exemptions, and other suggested plans on this portal. Following this step will help you to get a better idea of where you stand academically and what measures you need to follow to make progress.  


    Once you review your ACCA exam results in depth check your lacking points through the official website. Now, you will have a clear picture of all the do’s and don’ts you need to follow while preparing for your next attempt. Create a plan in your mind with all the observations you have made, then decide when you are comfortable retaking that specific exam. ACCA exam retakes take place four times a year, which means every third month (March, June, September, December). You can choose the exam sitting for a retake that is more feasible for you; think wisely before making any decision.  


    In case you are not satisfied with your ACCA exam results and you are confident about your performance in exams, then you may request a review. Review is requested when a student claims there might be some mistake in marking or grading of the paper. You can apply for an exam review for about 30 days after the announcement of ACCA exam results. However, there is a certain fee associated with exam rechecking that you will need to pay.

    Mirchawala's Hub of Accountancy CALL TO ACTION


    When making registrations or applying for retakes and rechecking, you are advised to check out if you are eligible for any exam exemptions. You may check this information on your official portal with the help of an exemption calculator. Exam exemptions will allow you to appear in lesser exams depending on the previous qualification (if any).  


    Once you have gone through all the necessary information, identified your mistakes, created a progressive study plan, and managed to prepare yourself for the retake. Now, you should apply for the retake. Once you know you are ready to ace that specific exam, you should register yourself in the preferred exam sitting. You can make your registration through the MyACCA portal; you will need to pay the fee attached to it. You are advised to keep an eye on every announcement regarding the exam, schedule, payment, etc.  


    Study groups, mentors, or alumni help you stay motivated, so if you have joined any study groups, it is suggested to share your ACCA exam results with them. This practice will help you get the valuable insights of your fellow peers, alumni, etc., related to your results that might be very fruitful in career planning, scheduling and planning of exams, and future insights.  


    CPD (Continuous Professional Development) is an essential part of ACCA qualification; it is always advised for ACCA members to maintain their CPD records. This is very helpful to keep track of your professional development in the field and helps you to not be left out on something important.  


    This complex qualification requires a lot of planning and scheduling. Students are expected to plan every minor detail regarding academics to achieve success. Hence, after the announcement of ACCA exam results, if you have cleared all of your exams, you should start planning for your Professional Strategic level (advanced level of ACCA qualification). In case you haven’t yet completed the previous levels of the qualification, first complete them before progressing towards the advanced level. Plan your study schedules and patterns to achieve success in your academics. 


    After the announcements of ACCA exam results, students fall into two categories: the ones who are celebrating their success and the others who are grieving their failure. Either way, do not get overwhelmed; if you have achieved success in your exams, it is good to celebrate and appreciate yourself for achieving the milestone, but do not get overconfident and keep striving for more success. If you faced failure this time, tell yourself it’s okay, and rather than crying over the spilled milk, recommit yourself to the studies. Do not give up and stay consistent; create a more effective study plan and give your best.  


    ACCA exam results are way too pressurizing for students; do not get overwhelmed by the thought of failure. Let yourself know it is not important to get success every time, but what is important is your consistency and determination to achieve it all. Firstly, check your result; in case you can’t make it this time, do not give up; rather, review your result thoroughly and check where you have lacked, prepare an effective study plan following your observations, and once ready, register yourself for the retake. In case you doubt the result, isn’t correct; you can also apply for rechecking. Just do not give up on your dreams; remember why you started and where you aim to be.